Virtual Tour Bim Simulation Lab

Explore virtually the tools developed in the BIM Simulation Lab project
for the simulation of BIM processes.

What is BIM?

The Building Information Model (BIM) is a PROCESS, i.e. a series of activities aimed at managing the data and information contained within the information models


The BIM is a MODEL, that is the container of data and information, which must be able to be consulted and updated throughout the life cycle of the work


The BIM is COLLABORATION, i.e. in order to ensure that the information models are always up to date and usable, all operators must work together at appropriate times during the process and according to certain rules


Implementing digital transformation in an integrated and collaborative way


Promote collaboration by increasing process efficiency and reducing errors


Efficiently managing the entire life cycle of a construction project, from design to decommissioning

BIM Simulation Lab

The ERDF initiative 1086 BIM Simulation Lab [CUP: B51G17000270001], financed by the Autonomous Province of Bolzano, within the framework of the European Regional Development Funds (ERDF 2014 – 2020), provides for the installation of a laboratory for companies and Public Administrations, in which to develop applied strategies for the implementation of BIM methodologies

What can the lab do for me?

The laboratory allows to understand and test cutting-edge hardware and software tools for the implementation of BIM methodologies, as well as to evaluate their advantages and disadvantages in the path of digital transformation of processes

Innovative technologies

The BIM Simulation Lab integrates the latest hardware and software technologies, developing applications for specific phases of the process, such as:

Field2BIM Tool

A software library that uses Visual Recognition and Machine Learning techniques to allow semi-automatic acquisition of information from the real world

BIMobility Simulator

An application that allows an efficient integration of alternative mobility technologies in existing buildings

BIM2Field Tool

A tool that supports site management, facilitating the integration of LEAN Construction approaches in a fully digital environment based on BIM methodologies

Fostering the future

Artificial intelligence

Experimenting with advanced automation systems through the implementation of Artificial Intelligence algorithms

Robotics on site

Testing the implementation of advanced robotics and site assistance systems

BIM Simulation Lab services

The BIM Simulation Lab is a physical space accessible to companies and Public Administrations installed in the Fraunhofer Italia headquarters at the NOI TechPark in Bolzano


Development of applications for specific processes along the value chain


The chance of testing specific application of BIM methodologies in an environment providing cutting-edge technologies


A highly qualified team provided by the Europe’s largest research centre for applied research